The whole Disney gang!!!!
Randall, Brook, Joy, John, Parker, Abrianna, and Carter
(Autumn stayed home with Nana-Thanks again MOM!!!!)
We had a great time on our trip to Disneyland. We couldn't resist once again getting away to some sunshine and some much needed R & R. So we packed up the car with plenty of snacks, dvd's and one very large bag o' tricks for the kids and we were on our way. Road trippin it all the way to LA was a bit more than we bargained for but all things considered it turned out pretty good. On the way down we stayed with Randalls sister Becky and her family in Sacramento. Up early the next morning we found we had a flat tire so down the road to Les Schwab for a quick patch job and we were on our way. We arrived in Anaheim at about 5:30 pm after 2 hair raising hours of LA traffic. Of course the kids couldnt wait any longer so we headed straight for the Magic Kingdom for some late night fun.

2 girls, 2 boys and 3 kids road trippin it all the way to LA. Not sure what we were thinking!! This picture is obviously from the begining of the trip-notice the happy smiles!!!

Little ladies taking a rest on the car trip.
A quick stop and potty break at the Medford Temple.
At last we arrive. Here are some of our favorite photos from our time at Disneyland.

At the Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyers Island.
Parker and Mickey.
He could not wait to get his autograph!! Before we went to Disneyland the kids and I made personalized autotgraph books for all of the characters to sign. Mickey Mouse was Parkers number one character he had to see closely followed by Woody. As luck would have it the characters were out and about in fine form and he got both in 1 day.

Joy and I on Thunder Mountain-one of our favorite rides.
And now for a funny tale. When it comes to rides Parker is what Joy calls a "wanny." He is so afraid of any ride that appears more scarey than the merry go round. I'm still not sure why we think that its a good idea to take him to Disneyland-after all isnt that what you do there. It all came to blows when we tried to get him to go on Snow Whites ride. He said," no way that is too scarey." We tried to tell him that it wasn't scarey, but to no avail. He can read now-very well I might add and said "MOM, it is too scarey. The sign says Snow Whites Scarey Adventure!!!!"
This reading thing seems to be getting me in trouble a lot lately.
And if that wasn't enough, Joy and I got this hair brained idea that we would take him and Abrianna on Thunder Mountain. BIG MISTAKE!!! He actually said that he wanted to go on it-of course before he really knew what the ride was about. Abrianna was all for it. She is our little daredevil. (Her favorite rides were Star Tours and the Matterhorn. A little strange for a little 3 year old. She is such a thrill seeker like her dad.) Anyways, as we were standing in line waiting for the ride he began asking questions about what the ride was like-making sure it was not scarey of course. So Joy and I told him that it was just a train ride-no big deal. Well it was the truth with just some minor details left out!!! Well I'm sure you can guess how the story ended. It involved lots of screaming and a "Na, ah I am never going on that ride again.!!!" I still cant believe that we actually took him on it. During the ride I was actually thinking, geez this is actually kind of a scarey ride even for me. Nevertheless, I was very proud of him that day. We shall see what happens the next time.

Taking flight on Dumbo.

Abrianna and Princess Belle
We waited for quite some time at the Disney Princess Fantasy Faire to see the beautiful princess. Abrianna insisted that we take her "Cindelella " dress all the way to Disneyland so she could be a pretty princess too. She wore it all around the park, and I must say she looked awfully cute in her ball gown with tennis shoes. Parker although hesitant saw the princesses too and thought they were pretty cute.

Posing for a picture after a very wet ride on Grizzly River Run.

Randall Boggs and Randall Glenn. Perhaps one in the same-well never know.

And the story ends of course with- we all lived Happily Ever After. That is after a 18 hour car trip from LA to Home all in one day!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!