Monday, March 22, 2010

Words of Love

Beautiful words of love spoken by my 6 year old on Sunday as I was making him run around the church building in the rain.

I hate you mom.
You are the worst mom ever.
I dont want to see you ever again.

I know these may not sound like words of love to some, but to me they mean that I must be doing something right. Life is so hard when you are a kid.
I was then informed when we arrived home that he would be packing his bags and leaving our family, because he didnt like me telling him what he could and could not do. So I helped him formulate his plan. He decided that he would take all of the money out of his piggy bank and buy a ticket to somewhere far away. I asked him where he would sleep, and he informed me that he would sleep on the ground in his sleeping bag. I then asked him what he would eat. He decided that restaurants are too expensive(I have trained him well), and so he concluded that he would pack some snacks. I told him that I would really prefer that he would stay with our family, that I would really miss him, but it was his decision. I then offered him a cinnamon roll to fill his tummy before his adventure, and reminded him that if he left there would be no more warm cinnamon rolls to fill his empty stomach. That was the clincher. He decided that he would miss warm yummy treats from home, and ran off to play outside, and I didnt hear another word.

Memories and McDonalds

I took the kids to eat at McDonalds last week as a sort of treat while Randall was in Seattle at a Dental research meeting.Actually it may have been more for me than the kids but, they dont need to know that. McDonalds playland is always a great idea when kids are going crazy and Dad is not at home to take over in the evening. Well Parker and Abrianna were totally excited and couldnt wait to play with the other kids in the playland. So,I am sitting holding Autumn and from the top of the slide I hear "Hey you better stay away from my sister, shes a HOT SMOKIN." What!!!!!! I immediately knew that it came from Parker. Dont ask me why but he always calls Abrianna a Hot Smokin. I dont know where he got if from but he thinks it is so hilarious. Well, I had almost gotten over my shock when I hear in a little, though loud voice, "HEY, did you know that I'm a HOT SMOKIN?" Yes Abriannna was confirming to this a young boy in the playland that she is indeed a HOT SMOKIN. Whatever that is!!!!! It was just so classic Parker and Abrianna. I cant tell you how many times I have wanted to bury my head in the sand, or in this case in a milkshake and dipping sauce from the nuggets.

Seven Signs

7 signs that you have been married for 7 years, and at one time thought that it was a good idea to have 7 children.........................

1. You cant remember which day it was that you were married. A sure sign of impending alzheimers.
(Randall and I went back and forth for days. I finally had to get our marriage certificate out, its the 22nd.)
2. You have resorted to calling each other mom and dad. Its just easier that way.
3. Your idea of a romantic getaway is touring a garden, watching TV and going to bed early.
4. Lots of white hair and not so much hair. Need I say more.
5. Youre TV is permanently tuned to QUBO and PBS kids. You dont even know what is on the other stations.
6. The best date you have had in a while consisted of a cheesecake brownie in the back of the Expedition.
7. You know without a doubt that marrying each other was the best decision you have ever made.

Magic Number 7

This last weekend we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. Nana and Papa were kind enough to watch the kids overnight so Randall and I could sneak away for a much needed getaway. We kept it pretty simple this year and stayed close to home. We started the weekend by hiking at Silver Creek Falls. It was so nice to get away from the business of life and reconnect in such a beautiful place. The weather was perfect. 70 degrees to be exact, which is rare for a March weekend in Oregon. We were so grateful for the sunshine that lifted our spirits.
After a relaxing picnic lunch and some good adult conversation we headed over to our hotel at the Oregon Garden. The hotel was beautiful and far exceed our expectations. What a wonderful place for a quick getaway. We first roamed the Garden by way of our private entrance. It was absolutely beautiful and we had so much fun just being together, a rare treat with 3 kids. Then, after a delicious Filet Mignon dinner we went for another private stroll in the Gardens. We had the whole place to ourselves, it was awesome. So, we goofed around and played in the kiddie garden until dark.
The next morning we enjoyed a delicious breakfast at the Hotel and then headed over for our couples massage in the spa. It was incredibly relaxing and well worth the cost.

We finished up our weekend with lunch at the Glockenspiel in Mt. Angel and touring a covered bridge.
It was such a wonderful weekend, and I am so blessed to have shared it with the love of my life.

A day at the museum

Last weekend we packed up the kids for a much needed family outing. We decided to head on over to OMSI for a picnic lunch and some science fun. It had been a few years since we had been to the museum, and to my surprise Parker and Abrianna loved it. Parker and I started in the chemistry lab and learned how to blow up a balloon by mixing different elements together. Tons of fun, and I loved the great goggles that we had to wear. Classic!!!!!!
It was really neat for Parker to be able to try some experiments in a real lab. He is always coming up with his own "experiments" at home like, growing a crystal in my freezer. His mind is such a little sponge and constantly thinking of new things to try. I love it!!!

We then headed over to the Space exhibit and learned what it is like to fly in a shuttle and what it would be like aboard the space station. Randall went for a spin and exercised his way into being fit enough to fly into space.

And this is how Abrianna spent most of her time. Quite typical of her these days. I thought these pictures were so classic.
And little Autumn was of course, happy as always. She is such a good little girl.