For some reason she missed our house two nights ago when a little boy lost his tooth. What a tradgedy we encountered because of her thoughtlesness. I'm pretty sure she was up all night with sick kids and somehow slept right through the alloted time to replace a snaggled tooth with the ever coveted quarter. We tried to reassure Parker that she most certainly was sick because why else would she miss such an important event. We told him however that she would most definately be there later that day while he was up and around the house. And alas she did arrive later that morning. Bedragled from a long night of no sleep, coughing crying children and her own pounding head and aching body, she ever so expertly snuck into Parkers room to deposit the money. Not long after, I told Parker that I was certain that I heard some noise upstairs. He ran to his room threw back the covers and discovered that the tooth fairy had indeed come. What a relief! She really could have made life difficult for me. So please Tooth Fairy next time can you do us all a big favor and not get the flu. We would really appreciate it.