Thursday, September 30, 2010
First Grade Follies
(Insert side note-Parker does not walk home from school, he rides the bus!!!!!!!! We live much too far from the school for a 1st grader to walk home)
To his reply I wasnt sure if I should laugh or cry. The Boy had guilt written all over his face. He then said "okay Mom, I'll tell you what really happened." Evidently the night before he had written a note to his teacher telling her that he was supposed to walk home that day. And of course the note never made it to school- but that didn't stop him. At the end of the day he marched himself into the cafeteria where the 'walkers' meet before they are allowed to go home. Somehow he bamboozled 'Mr. Poole' into believing that he had left his note at home (true i suppose) saying he was supposed to walk home instead of ride the bus. And without another thought they let him go.
Thank goodness for my dear Friend Nancy whom was driving home from the bank and ran into my son casually and confidently walking his 6 year old self home. She asked him if he wanted a ride to which he replied that he was just fine walking. After some convincing she got him to get in the car with a stern reminder that he should never get into the car with someone he did not know. She then drove him home and dropped him off. Thank you Nancy-I owe you big time!!!!
Of course as any good mother would do I gave him a stern lecture about the dangers of walking home alone and that he was never to do it again. Many tears were shed and some privileges lost but all in all he came out pretty unscathed. I must admit Randall and I had some pretty good laughs privately about the whole ordeal. This is one that won't be soon forgotten.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunny SanDiego

We had a great time and will definately be returning. There are so many great things to see and do in Sunny San Diego.
1st day of School

Parker is in a 1/2 grade blend this year which I anticipate will work very well for him. He is above grade level in most areas especially in reading and comprehension. We are so proud of him and cant wait to see how he progresses this year.
Abrianna also started Preschool this week and is of course, loving it. She is attending Zoar Lutheran again, and has the same teachers and exact same class as last year. She has moved to Monday, Wednesday, Friday, mornings which works out great. It gives me a really nice break during the week. Once I get Parker on the bus and drop Abrianna off, I have 2 1/2 hours to run errands or clean house with only Autumn at my side.
Life is so good.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Man Time

I'm not sure how hanging upside down and being tossed around for hours on end equals relaxing, but to him it was and he had a great time.

An Update-FINALLY!
Wedding Day for Kim and Patrick!!!!

Parker also looked especially dapper in his suit and his spiked hair. He was able to help at the ceremony and pass out programs and bubbles. He took his job very seriously and was quite the little man.

After the wedding we continued the celebration at Abiqua Estates. As you can see Randall and I enjoyed our ribs very much, maybe a little too much. Well, I guess when it's your sisters wedding and she hired an award winning pit master to cater her special day-its okay to "pig out" a little!!!
My sister Kim and I.

And last but not least-In true Glenn fashion, Parker stole the show as he danced solo on the stage for nearly 2 hours straight. He boogied down to whatever DJ Ron was throwin down that night. He was quite the performer. We even got several offers from dance instructors at the wedding for him to join their performing groups. What a riot!! Everyone was clapping and cheering him on and enjoyed quite a laugh. We love this guy!!